I realized I didn't show any picture of the kitchen, so here it is! It's a bit small but convenient: despite the picture you don't have to multiply yourself to get a dish or some food from the fridge when you are cooking... ;)
Ben dis donc mon gars, on dirait que t'as du temps de libre a FTNA, ou que t'es simplement tres doue... En tout cas ces photos sont super impressionnantes... Beau boulot!
Pour la prochaine, change de fringues entre 2 photos!
Fabien this blog is fabulous, I really enjoy looking at the photos, how did you duplicate yourself in the kitchen? The new place looks very nice . I'm happy for you both. Cathy
2 commentaires:
Ben dis donc mon gars, on dirait que t'as du temps de libre a FTNA, ou que t'es simplement tres doue... En tout cas ces photos sont super impressionnantes... Beau boulot!
Pour la prochaine, change de fringues entre 2 photos!
Fabien this blog is fabulous, I really enjoy looking at the photos, how did you duplicate yourself in the kitchen? The new place looks very nice . I'm happy for you both.
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